Growing Tomorrow, Today.

& fertilizers


soil, SAP & water analysis

About Us
in the agricultural industry

brand corn in Japan

branches throughout Japan
Our Company’sMission Statement
・Our main purpose is not the pursuit of profit.
・Profit is the source of growth.
・Our true purpose is to create new value for consumers and contribute to the interest of farmers.
・Trial & error.
・Test small, learn from failures, and grow.
・Boldly innovate and always aim to be a pioneer in the field.
・We are thoughtful and deliberate but prioritize speed in executing business decisions.
・We respect fairness, justice, and ethical behavior and will work tirelessly to protect the global environment.
Inherited from Pioneer-Business from a Longterm Perspective- The Long Look
We are an international business with a unique combination of cultures, languages and experiences.
Since our company was founded the business environment and customers that surround us have changed dramatically.
However, our philosophy, including our approach to research, production, sales, and our worldwide network of employees, has remained unchanged with four simple management principles.
- ・Strive to supply the best products on the market.
- ・Be honest and fair to our customers, seed growers, employees, sales representatives, suppliers, and shareholders.
- ・Aggressively market and advertise, but never mislead our customers.
- ・Proactively provide technical services to ensure that our customers receive the maximum benefit from our products.
Innovation for Tomorrow

41+ Years!
Introducing Hybrid Corn to the Livestock Industry
Supporting sustainable feed production by introducing Pioneer brand corn.
Since the 1980s, when imported feed could be purchased at low prices, we have consistently committed to self-sufficient feed production by importing examples of advanced techniques from overseas and developing related agricultural machinery and production materials, while stressing the importance of self-sufficient feed production as the basis of dairy and livestock farming.
The domestic livestock industry is in a difficult situation, as producers are forced to procure feed at extremely high prices due to the current overseas situation.
We are determined to stabilize the Japanese agriculture industry by increasing the production of self-sufficient feed with our decades of experience and advanced technological development.

Japan’s First!
Introducing Grain CornRice Paddy Innovation
For the future of Japan’s agriculture,We are committed to food self-sufficiency & security
In Japan, tens of thousands of hectares of rice paddy fields must be converted from rice to other crops every year.
Although there have been repeated attempts to make effective use of these fields for some time, various problems have begun emerging.
To address these issues, we proposed Japan's first "Rice Paddy Field Innovation Project" to introduce corn for seedling production as a rotating crop, and over the past 10 years, we have been working with advanced producers to build a case study.
Currently, there are more than 180 producers engaged in this project, and the area planted exceeds 1,800 hectares.
The Rice Paddy Field Innovation Project is an innovative program that not only revitalizes local economies, but also contributes to the stable supply of food and feed for Japan through the supply of grain that is not dependent on imports.